Director: Melissa Burkheimer Series: Business Processes, Sales Page Design

Your potential customers want to know what kind of results they could get when they decide to work with you and/or buy your course. If you have 25 testimonials on your sales page talking about how great you are, that’s great. But it’s not what they need to be reading. Your hot and cold leads need to be able to relate to the possibilities you create for your clients. Twenty-five testimonials talking about how great you are isn’t going to cut it, friend. Don’t worry, cause I’ve got a short […]

Director: Melissa Burkheimer Series: Business Processes, Sales Page Design

You’re getting ready to create your sales page, and you’re overwhelmed. Not sure where to start. You have an idea on what to write, and your logo is ready, but you don’t really know what needs to go where. The last course you purchased had a long-form sales letter to go with it, and you’re secretly dying to have one too. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. And I’m here to help. I’ve been designing sales pages for some of the most well-known influencers in the digital marketing space for the […]